Lots of women talk about finding our tribe, surrounding ourselves with women who lift each other up and cultivate a sense of community, joy, and strength while we navigate work, motherhood, and all the other adventures life throws our way. I could not be more thankful for the women who have supported me while raising little ones and building my own creative business.
The moment I became a mother, my whole world changed in the best and hardest way imaginable. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m often overwhelmed by day-to-day child rearing and my full-time job, and I sometimes forget to connect with all the amazing women around me. But, when I do, it’s so refreshing to relate and share the passions that define our journeys as mothers, women, and creatives.
Jessica and I met a few years back—our paths kept crossing serendipitously until we made them cross on purpose. Jessica’s creative nature, her drive to make and craft, was so inspiring to me, and her strong bond with her family was incredibly powerful to witness. It was an honor to document these family portraits for her in Fort Collins. Throughout our session, I kept finding myself drawing on the definition of motherhood: having or relating to an inherent worthiness, justness, or goodness. These words describe Jessica in every single way, and in each of these photos of Jessica and her children, I think you’ll see those qualities shine through.